Been sick again in addition to running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get this school year wrapped up. May 29th, here I come! In the meantime, when I can't write the way I really want to, I'm trying to get better at sharing quotes and short little thoughts. Working on slaying that all-or-nothing demon. Not doing so hot so far, but I'm working on it. So here goes.
Gerald May states, in Addiction and Grace, that "we naturally seek the least-threatening ways of trying to satisfy our longing for God, ways that protect our sense of personal power and require the least sacrifice." This truth is behind the title of this blog, which I hope to write more about at another time. Suffice it to say that I believe what I (and all of us, if I may be blunt) am/are really, truly hungry for is more of God--more intimacy, more depth, more power, more real-ness--but I turn to more carbohydrates instead.
Why? Because they are safer. And they taste better. And I know that, as long as I've been to the grocery lately, they will be there. They are immediate. They are satisfying. They demand nothing of me. What's not to love?
I know the Truth. I know it will set me free. But I don't know what to do with that unsatisfied longing May talks about in the mean time.
umkay. I personally don't believe that because we long for something it's really God we are longing for. I don't like it when that seems like the only viable answer self-help Christian authors come up with. Because really, how are we in control of how much God gives of Himself to us. It's a vicious cycle. It's as if God is depriving us of more intimacy with Him, or relationship, or whatever these writers come up with.
ReplyDeleteLorie, you want carbs cause that's what you want. It's not some hidden need for more of God. I just don't believe that. I feel completely frustrated by this writer's view on addiction.
I admit I haven't read the book and I don't know the context, I do think it's easy for Christian writers to focus exclusively on the spiritual part of us and forget that we are intellectual, emotional, physical, social beings with certain needs that God intends for us to have filled indirectly. God provided all the carbs you are worried about-- in fact, we live in a blessed land, flowing with corn and wheat, God has blessed us with wonderful carbs (o.k. maybe I'm getting carried away).
ReplyDeleteI don't know why you struggle with your weight and I'm sure God is part of the solution. And yet, when I receive advice like this author is giving you, I always leave with no real clear sense of how to 'do better' or 'be better' but that I'm failing and somehow I'm missing the answer.
So in conclusion, Cindy and I are going to take the book out and rough it up.
ok, wasn't going to add my 2 cents here but since the other two responded on both blogs I will too. :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read the book either but I sense there is a greater depth than longing being about food (or whatever) versus God. We are created by God and FOR God. Um, I think that would make us naturally inclined to long for God in everything - yeah, everything. Whether I'm eating tasty carbs or a salad because it's good for me or disciplining my children, there is a sense of doing what I was created for - to be a healthy, joy-filled, reflection of the creativity of one amazing God. Problem is I want to be that person MY way - which creates the struggle 'cause my way is a lot less surrender of self and only an attempt to look like what I think God meant "For him" to mean.
FYI, this comment is from a recovering agnostic. I hate "Christianese" just as much now as I did in my full blown agnostic years.