Sunday, July 26, 2009

happy birthday to me...

So, for the record, birthdays completely screw with your diet. I had my whole weekend mapped out, complete with ice cream and key lime pie, and vowed to be back on the wagon come 7.26.09. That would be today. Given that I've lost seven pounds in the last three weeks, my determination was strong and I was doing, if you don't mind me saying, darn well. Then my husband surprised me.

That meant cake. The good kind that has the chocolate mousse in the middle and real butter cream frosting. That also meant apple strudel, which my mom bakes for me for my birthday. AND it meant Kettle Chips and chocolate chip cookies from Krista, who takes my blog title VERY seriously.

That means I did NOT get back on the wagon today. That means I had apple strudel for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. And that means that I'm struggling to not freak out that I've re-gained all seven pounds in one day. So far I am winning that battle, but the fear is relentless. One day, that fear will be gone. One day...

So, back on the wagon tomorrow. It was my birthday, after all. And if I'm going to have my cake, you better darn well believe I'm going to eat it, too.

(Will be back to posting regularly soon...)


  1. I love this blog. It helps me see that weight control is a roller coaster ride for someone else too. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months just by taking a job. I also modified my eating for the sake of focus at work. NO high glycemics. It has helped.
    What I really struggle with is exercise. Exercise sounds too much like excise. Maybe it should be called pro-motion! Maybe Mari Windsor and I will start seeing each other 3x a week after all...

  2. Thanks! It is, indeed, a roller coaster! I sure wish it weren't!
